New report for reference: Geothermal-Plant Traunreut

03. March 2015

For the deepest and most efficient geothermal well in Germany project engineer gec-co and operator Geothermische Kraftwerksgesellschaft Traunreut went for the high quality wellheads made by HARTMANN VALVES. During this project they were rewarded with high flexibility, excellent expertise, and comprehensive service. Thorsten Weimann, managing director of gec-co (see on photo together with the project manager from HARTMANN, Helmut Berger) said: “As technical planners of this project we were impressed by the great expert knowledge and the commitment of the whole HARTMANN-team.” Mr Rochus Huber, chief operator of geothermal plant Traunreut, also confirmed: “We are very happy with the components from HARTMANN. Since start-up in the beginning of the year 2014 these have been operating maintenance free.”

Geothermal Reference Traunreut


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